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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Morning Briefs on the Los Angeles Contribution Machine for Wednesday

On this day after the latest "Count de Campaign Monet Deadline" via the Ethics Commission, Second Term-seeking, Mayor Eric Garcetti trots onward with another $500,000-plus in the bank ........, but Progressive Mayoral Challenger Matthew Schwartz, may have garnered something Special Interests Money can't buy, a "Bern-powered Ground Game"..   
 Maybe Mayor Garcetti needs to remain fixated on the present campaign before trotting upwards with his political ambitions?
Progressive Mayoral Challenger Matthew Schwartz,
** Blogger's Notes: Its the day after another Ethics Commission's "Count de Campaign Monet Deadline", an initial review of the reports bids well for the Status Quo (with the exception of CD-5 reigning "Nanny Spud/Clowncilman" Paul Koretz) retaining Office Space at 200 Spring Street ......, but we want to bloggin cautious our cyber audience not to get "BERNED" in accepting another pending City Hall Establishment-financed sweep in March. 
While premise of this missive is rooted on the latest Candidate's Contribution Tallys, this past weekend's Democrat Delegate Elections which saw supporters of former Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders victorious in a majority of California's Assembly Districts balloting, can't be marginalize regarding possible March ramifications.
For PROGRESSIVE Mayoral Candidate Matthew Schwartz, the local success of  Sander's followers may give him something his meager fiscal resources can't buy ..........., a BERNING Ground Campaign to counter the pending mail blizzard of Garcetti Literature coming soon----Scott Johnson. 
"Count de Campaign Monet Briefs for 1-10-17":
CD 1: The Grass Roots Campaign ............, that could, is nearing the $50,000 Milestone, as a growing Josef Bray-Ali Buzz continues at the expense to current CD-1 Officeholder "Broken Deal Cedillo".
CD 5: Surprise, surprise, Challenger Jesse Creed has more money "On Hand" than embattled "Nanny Spud/Clowncilman Koretz".
CD 9: Challenger Jorge Nuno has loan his upstart Campaign more cash as he seeks to UPSET Councilman Curren Price. 

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